
Timeline for Settling a Personal Injury Case

A frequently asked question we receive at the DBLF Injury Lawyers is about how long it takes to settle a personal injury case. Clients are often eager to settle quickly rather than endure a lengthy trial but, as we often advise, you should not settle too quickly if, in so doing, you risk losing thousands of dollars in compensation.

The real answer to the question of how long a case will take to settle depends on whether or not you are willing to accept less money for you claim. But to help give you an idea of how long your case will take, we have broken down each step of the personal injury claim process below.

Receive Medical Treatment

After any personal injury, the first thing to do is to seek medical treatment. This is not only important for you health, but it also helps to prove that you were hurt in the incident. Insurance adjusters will seek out such medical records as they determine whether your injury was due to the negligence of another.

Hiring an Attorney

Anything more than a very minor claim should be handled by a professional Henderson personal injury attorney. An attorney should be considered when:

  1. You have missed more than a couple of days of work
  2. You have substantial medical bills (totaling to greater than $2000)
  3. You have suffered an injury with long term consequences

Here at DBLF Injury Lawyers we offer free initial consultations to all injured persons, not only so that we can educate you on your legal rights, but so you can get a feel for whether our personal injury attorneys are a good fit for you and your case. Once that decision is made, we will be ready to begin acting on your behalf.

The Investigation Process

How long the investigation process will take will depend on a variety of issues, such as whether there are legal or factual issues, if there is a lot of money involved, and if you are still healing from your injuries.

Your attorney will begin by interviewing you about the accident, your medical condition and treatment, and your background. We will then obtain and review your medical records to see if there is a case. This will happen very early on in the process so you will not be left anxiously waiting for a decision – we will always keep you informed of progress.

Negotiations and Demands

The vast majority of the smaller personal injury claims are settled well before a lawsuit is filed. Our Henderson auto accident attorneys will make a demand to the other party’s attorney or to their insurance company, though keep in mind this is usually only done once you have reached a point of maximum medical improvement (or “MMI”).

Though this may take months, and add months to the duration of you claim, at this point we will know exactly how much your case is worth and be able to work towards maximum compensation for you.

If you are in Nevada and believe you have a personal injury claim, we welcome your call today at (702) 750-0750.