Every driver has an obligation to operate their vehicle in a safe manner. This includes avoiding distractions and keeping your eyes on the road. Unfortunately, not all motorists make a reasonable effort to avoid collisions. This behavior can lead to texting while driving car accidents in Henderson.
Drivers who look down at a cellphone screen—even for a moment—are at an increased risk of a crash. If you were hurt in a texting-related wreck, a dedicated auto collision attorney could help you seek justice. Call David Boehrer Law Firm today to learn more.
Most states have adopted some sort of limitation on texting while driving, and Nevada is no exception. According to state statute, using a handheld device to either talk or text while behind the wheel is illegal.
The statute explicitly prohibits manually entering data into a phone, searching the internet, sending or receiving messages, or engaging in any kind of non-voice communication.
These limitations apply to all drivers, not just those under the age of 18. However, motorists are allowed to make phone calls using hands-free devices. There is an exception to using a phone while driving in case of reporting an emergency to 911.
Texting covers all three types of distractions that can impact a Henderson motorist and cause a crash.
Texting while driving is primarily a visual distraction. This means it causes a person to look away from the road in front of them to focus on their phone. Accidents are common when a driver is not keeping an eye on the flow of traffic around them.
This behavior is also a physical distraction, requiring motorists to take their hands off the wheel. It is safest to use both hands while driving, but this is impossible when a person is manipulating the keypad on their mobile device.
The last type of distraction that texting falls under is mental. Any effort to concentrate on reading or responding to a text message only reduces the chances of a driver noticing a hazard in their path.
An injured party must prove that a driver acted negligently to hold them accountable for causing an accident. Negligence is careless, reckless, or intentional behavior leading to injury.
Texting while driving is an example of negligence. When motorists take their eyes off the road to send or read a text message, they can no longer take the steps necessary to avoid a crash.
In the time it takes to read even a short message, a vehicle can travel the length of a football field. If traffic slows or a pedestrian steps into the driver’s path when they are not paying attention, they may be unable to avoid a collision.
Part of proving negligence is establishing that the injured person sustained compensable damages in the collision. These damages can take different forms, including lost wages, medical bills, diminished future earning power, or pain and suffering. A Henderson lawyer could review their client’s texting while driving car crash case and help calculate their damages to pursue fair compensation.
If you have been hurt in a texting while driving car accident in Henderson, you have the right to seek financial compensation. Working with the right lawyer could help you get the recovery you deserve.
Call today for a private consultation with a skilled personal injury attorney at David Boehrer Law Firm.